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Saturday 17 November 2007

Calling all Elves...

Friends of English Martyrs are delighted to announce that a certain elderly gentleman from the North Pole has accepted our invitation to attend the Christmas Disco on the 7th December.

Father Christmas is sparing some of his very valuable time to come and see the children but unfortunately will not be able to bring any of his Elves with him. Obviously the Elves are all hard at work and annual leave has been cancelled until December 27th.

Father Christmas doesn't want to disappoint the children and is well aware of Union Rules and would love to know if there are any 'freelance' Elves that would like to accompany him on his visit - perhaps there's an Elf or two who'd like to come out of retirement?

So, if you can help, please, please get in touch. We can help with uniform, transport and rates of pay include the usual Elf currency of mince pies and giggles!

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